Secretary's Message

Dear Students,

It gives me immense pleasure in welcoming, on behalf of the entire campus community of IMRT, the new entrants to one of North India’s Best Business School.

It’s our commitment to nurture brilliant students who’ll be amongst the most sought after by leading corporate, and who’ll play a defining role in impacting the future of India. To enable this, we provide a truly wholesome education experience that’s most enriching through learning from top faculty, maximum industry interaction and all-round personality grooming.

I once again welcome the newly admitted students to the portals of this Institute and wish them memorable and rewarding study tenure and emerge as professionals with a distinctive edge. I would urge upon you to study with passion and work hard to reach your goal.

At IMRT, our goal is not only to dramatically impact your lives, but to prepare you to impact the lives of millions across India and the world.

Wishing you all the very best.

Mr. Sanjeev Bansal
Secretary, IMRT